Dongguan Huibai Automation Co., Ltd.

Solution supplier of micro motor automation equipment

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Non-standard automated production lines are all automated production lines customized by users and common in non-market circulation. They are assembled with unit equipment manufactured in accordance with the unified industry standards and specifications promulgated by the country. They are developed, designed and manufactured according to the needs of customers. equipment. Automatic production lines designed for different types of customers with different process requirements are non-standard automated production lines.
What problems need to be solved in the basic requirements of automatic production line balance? 1. According to the sequence of procedures, reasonably allocate the work to each work site; 2. Each work site including the work time should be as close to the beat as possible, and the work sites set by the automated production line should be minimized; 3. The idle time of each work site should be Small, and the load is even between the work sites; to ensure the lowest time loss rate of the automated production line;
There are two types of automatic production line selection design, one is the selection of complete equipment, which only needs to be verified by the possibility of specific conditions, and the other is the selection of general equipment. It is necessary to select the components through calculation, and finally combine them into automated assembly line equipment suitable for specific conditions. 1. Conveying length. 2. Conveyor installation inclination.
1. Brief operation of the automatic assembly line electrical appliances: the power supply of the automatic assembly line equipment needs three-phase four-wire, and a master switch is installed outside, (three-phase four-wire four-pole switch can be used, or the switch can only control the three-phase power supply, and the neutral line is directly. The zero line of the second connection method must not be passed through another switch). The N of the distribution box is connected to the neutral line, A, B, C are connected to the three-phase power supply, and U, V, W are connected to the motor......
Conditions for the use of automated production lines. 1. Very high product demand. High production volume is required; 2. Stable product design. It is difficult for automated production lines to cope with frequent design changes; 3. Longer product life. In most cases, the product life span is at least a few years; 4. A variety of processing techniques. A variety of processing techniques are required in the product manufacturing process.
The automatic production line divides the production process into several processes that are equal or multiplied in time, and fix the automatic production line to each job arranged in the order of the process. Automatic production line is a kind of non-standard automation equipment. The working principle of the automatic assembly line is to decompose a repetitive process into several sub-processes...
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Dongguan Huibai Automation Co., Ltd.