Dongguan Huibai Automation Co., Ltd.

Solution supplier of micro motor automation equipment

4Customer Testimonials

Cooperated with a large-scale smart home appliance motor assembly factory. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the company’s automation, intelligence, and digitization have also been accelerated. The company’s equipment replaces manual production to reduce the contact between people in the factory. At the same time, the production line is operated by only 1-2 people from the previous dozens of people. The highest efficiency can reach 5s/pcs assembly line, and the yield rate can be It can achieve more than 99%, and the utilization rate is more than 90%. It can complete the automatic assembly, production and inspection of the motor, effectively improving the efficiency and quality of the motor production, while also saving costs and reducing the restocking of products.

Dongguan Huibai Automation Co., Ltd.